As the debate continues over whether the Apple Watch is a success or a failure in terms of expectations, a couple of things have become clear:
How to Create an Office Space for Focus
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In Conversation: Ilse Crawford and Hugo Macdonald
It’s one of design’s chicken-and-egg questions: Is current home design changing the way we live, or is the way we live changing current home design? Ilse Crawford is one of Britain’s most well-respected interior designers and centers her outlook around human relationships, and Hugo Macdonald is the former design editor of Monocle and is currently […]
Beyond small talk and silence
Whether great conversation traverses easy or difficult terrain, its reward is a more poignant connection with others. But to converse well is challenging. The art of conversation lacks well-defined rules, yet places high demands on our capabilities.
Paper Message by Misawa Design Institute
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Serif TV for Samsung
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